Get to know Belgrade

Open bus Belgrade tour

I often visit Belgrade.

I love this city at the crossroads of East and West …

I can use long walks and enjoy views on the luxurious ornaments on the bulidings through centuries-old tree-lined streets, magnificent squares, parks and gardens with lots of green, bridges over two great rivers, Sava and Danube…

Streets are dominated by details from the previous era, reflecting civilizational and cultural differences as they changed throughout history. Every time I discover new things that I didn’t even know existed: oriental taverns with the flavors of the East, modern restaurants and pastry shops from Kalemegdan to Skadarlija and so on towards Tašmajdan… Oh yes, one can eat here very well… but also do a lots of shopping!!!

But I had no idea what excitement can be brought by sailing the ships cruising by the Danube quay, a completely new view of the eternal motifs of Kalemegdan, the Congregational Orthodox Church, Monument to the Winner, but also rafts with famous nightlife, and at the same time one can see fishermen who patiently wait to catch fresh fish for the evening gathering by the riverside…

Belgrade streets, architecture, facades
Belgrade streets, architecture, facades

Famous sunsets have a completely new, unprecedented feeling, a golden glow in the calm of the day, the wind in my hair…Indescribable… I can’t wait to come again and embark on a new adventure and sailing… but this time, another new challenge awaits me, a trip by open bus from which I will see many other events on the streets of Belgrade, especially during the summer time, when they are teeming with tourists of all cultures, colors and different languages… A city rich in diversities that gathers from all around the wide World…

Join me in this adventure of sightseeing through the streets of Belgrade, the eternal city with a completely new perspective…

Kalemegdan Gate of Charles VI - The last monument of Baroque Belgrade
Kalemegdan Gate of Charles VI – The last monument of Baroque Belgrade