Belgrade is a city of young people


Belgrade is the third largest city in Southeast Europe, after Istanbul and Athens. It is home to slightly more than 1,700,000 inhabitants. This is a city with many parks and lots of greenery.

Belgrade is a city of young people.

More than 40 percent of Belgraders are between 15 and 44 years old. The spirit of Belgrade is something that every citizen of Belgrade will be happy to tell you about.

Streets of Belgrade
Knez Mihailova Street

Immediate and fun-loving, they look forward to anything and everything, pleasant conversations and long walks. They like to be on the move and that’s why the streets, promenades, cafes, restaurants, shops are always full of people. What is even more important, the people of Belgrade look forward to everyone. So, get to know Belgrade by getting to know the people of Belgrade.

Enjoy sightseeing with Belgrade

Discover Belgrade, the eternal city…